
Read, John 5 : 1 – 9 (Click here to read the entire passage)

The above given passage is very familiar to all of us. It is about the healing of the man at the pool of Bethsaida. I have also read this passage several times but today I noticed a very interesting fact in this story.

The man, the paralytic man, in this passage had to wait for 38 years for his healing. Thirty Eight years is a very long time. One question we can ask is why he had to wait for 38 years for his deliverance. God could have done it any time before that.

The answer to this question is that it was the right time for his healing. As we know God’s timing is perfect and he does everything on time. He is neither late nor early, He is dot on time.

We understand two things from this passage. One is that a disease however old it is, it is not big enough for God to heal. Second is the deliverance of that person who was in desperate need of it, 38 years he was waiting for the same. For him it was the greatest miracle that happened in his life.

But the fact is that he had to wait for 38 years for the same. It is the same with many of us. We have been waiting for our miracles, that breakthrough we are desperately looking for. We feel that it is not coming but if we are willing to patiently wait, God will come through and will be the greatest ever event of our lives.

Waiting is not easy, the paralytic man had to wait for 38 years for his breakthrough. Almost 4 decades that is a long time. But since he waited, he saw the deliverance that he was longing for from his birth and we could witness the hand of the Lord.

So I would like to urge you to wait, persevere. Lamentations 3:25 says, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him”. Keep on seeking Him and waiting on Him, at the right time God will come through. Remember, God is always on time.

God bless you.

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